13266 Taylorstown Road, Leesburg, Virginia 540-822-5513
Our Website is under development. Please bear with us as we finish building.
Welcome to Mount Pleasant Church
Established in 1878, Mount Pleasant is a non-denominational church located in Taylorstown, Virginia, an hour west of Washington DC. We invite you to join us for Sunday school, worship services, and other activities during the week. Sunday services are streamed on our YouTube channel:
Sunday Come worship with us
9:30am Sunday School
10:30am Worship Service
Youth time during service followed by
Sunday School and concludes at the
close of the worship service. No Sunday
School on first Sundays.
10:00 am Women's Bible study, Jan Fearing's home
(no bible study in July)
6:00 pm Choir Practice (no choir for the summer)
7:00 am Men's Breakfast and Bible Study
7:00 pm Prayer
First Sunday each month: Communion Sunday.
As announced: Small group studies. Check the weekly bulletin and the church website for more information.
Third Sunday: (1) food closet donations; bring hygiene products such as shampoo, bar soap, lotions, feminine products, first aid supplies and those items that can provide safety and cleanliness to the body and home. These donations will go directly to our local food closet. (2) Rise Against Hunger special offering; and (3) potluck brunch following traditional worship service.
Ongoing events:
First Sunday each month: Communion Sunday.
As announced: Small group studies. Check the weekly bulletins and the church website for more information.
Third Sunday: (1) bring hygiene products such as shampoo, bar soap, lotions, feminine products, first aid supplies and those items that can provide safety and cleanliness to the body and home. These donations will go directly to our local food closet. Collection bins will be placed in Narthex. (2) Rise Against Hunger special offering; and (3) potluck brunch following traditional worship service.
Wednesday morning - 7:00 a. Men's Breakfast and Bible Study
Wednesday night - 7:00 -8:00 p. Prayer
Every Sunday - young people's time during worship service following by Sunday School and concludes at the close of the regular worship service. No Sunday School on first Sundays.
1/11 - 6:30 p. Trustees meeting; 7:30 p. Administrative Council meeting
2/8 - 7:30 p. Administrative Council meeting
2/13 - 5-7:00p. Shrove Tuesday meal (sponsored by the men),
2/14 - 7:30 p. Ash Wednesday service
3/10 - Worldwide UMCOR Sunday/UMCOR offering.
3/14 - 6:30 p. Trustees meeting; 7:30 p. Administrative Council meeting
3/17 - traditional worship service speaker: Pastor Carlos Ruano
3/24 - Palm Sunday, traditional worship service speaker: David Smith
3/28 - Maundy Thursday (no service at Mt. Pleasant)
3/29 - 6 p Good Friday service at Mt. Pleasant
3/31 - Easter
7:00 a. sunrise service - Eli Lindsey
10:30 a. traditional service - Eli Lindsey
4/6 - 8 a. Spring church clean-up/fix-it day; sponsored by the Mt. Pleasant trustees. Rain date 4/13
4/7 - traditional worship service speaker: David Smith
4/11 - 7:30 p. Administrative Council meeting
4/14 - traditional worship service speaker: Paul Gernhadt
4/21 - traditional worship service speaker: Roy Trammell
4/27-5/2 - Loudoun Faith Community Bible Reading Marathon in Leesburg. (times TBD)
4/28 - traditional worship service speaker: David Smith
5/2 - final day of Loudoun Faith Community Bible Reading Marathon in Leesburg. (times TBD)
National Day of Prayer
5/5 - traditional worship service speaker: Jeff Chamberlain with special music
5/9 - 6:30 p. Trustees meeting; 7:30 p. Administrative Council meeting
5/12 - traditional worship service speaker: Alisa Hart; Mother's Day and fancy hat day at traditional Sunday morning service
5/19 - traditional worship service speaker: Bud Siegle; Pentecost Sunday. Congregation encouraged to wear red to church.
5/26 - traditional worship service speaker: George Riggins
5/27 - 11:00 a. to 1:00 p. Memorial Day service and Cemetery Fundraising lunch
6/2 - traditional worship service speaker: Darius Ghanipour; Graduating high school seniors' recognition Sunday
6/9 - traditional worship service speaker: Syd Fearing
6/13 - 7:30 p. Administrative Council meeting
6/16 - traditional worship service speaker: Pastor Lorne Davidson; Father's Day and Crazy Tie
6/21 - 5:30-8:30 p Faith by the Fireside, Mt. Pleasant Church firepit (behind church building) Free event with food
6/23 - traditional worship service speaker: Pastor Carlos
6/30 - traditional worship service speaker: Steve Harris
7/7 - traditional worship service speaker: Carie Dinneen (daughter of Ron and Gail Mayner)
7/11 - 6:30 p. Trustees meeting; 7:30 p. Administrative Council meeting
7/14 - traditional worship service speaker: Bud Siegel
7/19 - 5:30-8:30 p Mt. Pleasant Church VBS Event (behind church building) CANCELLED
7/21 - traditional worship service speaker: Roy Trammel
7/28 - traditional worship service speaker: Christian Hile
7/28 - 6:45-8:45 p Mt. Pleasant Pool & Pizza party at Lovettsville Community Center - Free Event
8/3 - 11:00 a.-4:00 p. Mt. Pleasant Annual Community picnic
8/4 - traditional worship service speaker: Pastor Carlos
8/8 - CANCELLED Administrative Council meeting
8/11 - traditional worship service speaker: Carie Dinneen (daughter of Ron and Gail Mayner)
8/18 - traditional worship service speaker: Jeff Chamberlain
8/25 - traditional worship service speaker: David Smith
9/1 - traditional worship service speaker: Doug Martin
9/8 - traditional worship service speaker: Jeff Chamberlain; Sunday School Recognition Day
9/12 - 6:30 p. Trustees meeting; 7:30 p. Administrative Council meeting
9/15 - traditional worship service speaker: Bud Siegel
9/22 - traditional worship service speaker: Jeff Chamberlain
9/28 - traditional worship service speaker: Bud Siegel
10/6 - traditional worship service speaker: Pastor Carlos, World Communion Sunday
10/10 - Administrative Council meeting
10/13 - traditional worship service speaker: TBA
10/19 - 8:00 a. Fall church clean up and fix-it day; sponsored by Mt. Pleasant trustees.
10/20 - traditional worship service speaker: Bud Claycomb, Senior Citizen Sunday and potluck luncheon after Sunday service.
10/26 - RAIN DATE church clean up
11/2 - 5:00 p. Fall Community Ham &: Turkey Dinner, freewill offering.
11/3 - All Saints Sunday
11/10 - Veterans Recognition Sunday
11/14 - 6:30 p. Trustees meeting; 7:30 p. Administrative Council meeting
TBD - Lovettsville Faith Community Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service (location/time/date: TBD)
11/24 - First Sunday of Advent
12/6-7 (Time TBD) Taylorstown Association Craft Fair at Mt. Pleasant
12/7? (Time/location) TBD) "Rise Against Hunger" meal packaging event
12/8 - Deadline for donations toward Christmas family support
12/12 - 7:30 p. Administrative Council meeting
12/15 - Christmas celebrations: ugly/cute sweater. Following traditional service, special visit from Santa.
12/24 - (Time TBD) Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. (Family services offering collected)
12/25 - Celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ